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Tips to go to TAROKO GORGE PARK 2023 太魯閣國家公園英文攻略 交通方式分析 公車時刻


Hello everyone, we've met many of travelers have questions about the Taroko National Park.

How to go or how many time you should spend? Which trail of Taroko National Park is a must-go? How many buses a day? When is the earliest bus to the Taroko Nation?

We heard's some tips of going to Taroko Gorge National Park.

The Taroko Gorge National Park have many trails, some of them are easily get, some need to apply permission in advance. There are different ways to get to the Taroko Gorge National Park. It depends how many time you want to spend on this beautiful park.

We would list down different ways for you, hope you can find the best choice for you and have a great trip to Taroko Gorge National Park!

First step! You have to get to Hualien!

Hualien is a county at eastern Taiwan. There have beautiful sea coast, stunning mountains and super clean river. You can do paragliding, river tracing, rafting, diving, paddling, canoeing, cycling..... If you love natural scenery and outdoor activities, you must go yo Hualien when you visiting Taiwan.

If you are coming from Taipei or Taoyuan. You can take the railway to Hualien station.

By bus

If you are traveling alone or in small group, like to feel the slow vibes in the mountain, take the tour bus! You can stay at the hiking trails as long as you want as long as you can catch the bus to next stop.

The first stop start from the Hualien bus station/railway station.

Go the the bus station and find "310 Taroko Route".

TAROKO ROUTE Bus Timetable

The timetable might change from time to time!! Please check their website for the newest timetable.


The first bus will be 6:30AM. The last bus to coming back is 17:50PM from the last stop TIANXIANG, a little bit early so be careful of the timing! If you missed this bus you can't come back.

Due to some construction, 310 might have delayed. Travelers can also transfer to 302 Route at Xincheng Station. (Run by TRK BUS, 302 route: )

The stopping time of each station is subject to on-site traffic conditions. The timetable is for reference only. If you need to take the bus, please arrive at the stop 10-15 minutes in advance according to the time of each station.


Before you go don't forget to check if the trails open or close:

Sometimes the trail maybe suddenly close due to collapsing or construction

Taroko route bus stops

Any changes subject to realtime traffic conditions.


One-day Pass NT$ 250 (Unlimited rides on the same day)

Two-day pass NT$ 400 (Unlimited rides for two consecutive days)

There's One-day Pass NT$ 250, if you won't go many spots you can use easy card instead. (also accept cash, i-cash, i-pass)

***If you transfer to 302 bus cannot use one-day pass.***


If you don't have enough time for hiking, here are TOP 3 must go trails in the TAROKO GORGE NATIONAL PARK.

1. Shakadang Trail

Shakadang Trail is a very easy trail with amazing scenery. If you have limit time you should go this one! And if you have very very limit time you can walk this trail for about 30 minutes then heading back to the other trails.

2. Lushui Trail

There's a permits required trail called "Zhuilu Old Road", the permit is limited and kind of hard to get on popular weekends, you can go to "Lushui Trail" instead. Lushui Trail has some similar views with Zhuily Old Road but require no permit.

(2024.2.28: Lushui Trail partially open: Lushui trailhead opens to 500 meter; Heliu trailhead opens to 1 km point Commemorating Spirits Monument. Please take the same route back to the starting point. The trail cliff section is closed. Please do NOT enter for the safety.)

3. Baiyang Trail

The most popular trail with waterfall is "Baiyang Trail", please hop off by Tianxiang.

Other recommend:

Jiuqudong (Tunnel of Nine Turns) Trail

As for the Swallow Grotto, the bus will drive through so no necessary to get off the bus.

Changchun Shrine Trail

If the "Baiyang Trail" suddenly close, for instead you can go "Changchun Shrine Trail ", there's waterfall too. Also there a beautiful temple on the mountain.

For a one-day travel by bus we will suggest you go to the trails in the morning, and come back to visit QIXINGTAN. (the most famous and popular beach in Hualien) Mostly 2 or 3 trails for one day would spend a lot of time.

Don't forget to bring some food and fruits with you! There's only one 7-11 and expensive restaurant at Taroko gorge.

Farmers Market nearby our house:

There are some special trails take more time or need to apply permission in advance. For example the "Zhuilu Old Road錐麓古道" is very famous and need a permit. If you want to go, the better way will be join in a day tour for Zhuilu Old Road then whey will apply for you and pick you up. But usually it has to be apply aroud one month before, because it is too famous. Or you can apply by yourself (only Chinese website for now), after you have the permit, rent a vehicle by yourself. That you can take all the time you need to explore the beauty of the trail.

For other trails have no bus stop, there are mostly more difficult than those popular trails so the better is still, rent a vehicle!

One-day tour

If you are travel with friends or family, especially with elderly members then one-day tour should be a better choice. Here are 2 choices of one-day tour from on-line travel agency. (This 2 platform is the biggest company in Taiwan.) You can find other tour on the platform too.

Private tour for group of 4-6ppl:

This is a private tour but driver speak little English. Other reviews have mentioned with translator they communicate smoothly.

Private tour, you can choose half day or one day tour according to your travel plan. Chinese guide.

Shared group tour (suit for solo or under 4 ppl):

Hualien: Taroko Hiking Trail One-Day Tour (ENGLISH SPEAKING)

↑cheaper than the one above but only Chinese guide

By scooter

If you know how to ride the scooter, it should be the best way to explore Taroko Gorge National Park. You can spend time in the trails as much as you want. But we will suggest you don't ride over Tainxiang, or you might go all the way to Taichung....:D

From Hualien railway stsion it will take about 1 hour to the entrance of the Taroko Gorge (TAROKO VISITOR CENTER). And 30 minutes from TAROKO VISITOR CENTER to Tianxiang.

The best way is go to 1~2 trails one day and then go to the QIXINGTAN, spend some relaxing time in the afternoon then go to have dinner!

But what you should aware is if you want to rent the scooter(motorcycle), even if you have the international license, there are some shop still won't rent for foreigners. If you find a scooter shop is willing to rent for foreigners, the price will probably NTD$600-700 for 24hr. Sometimes you can have a bargain if you are planning to rent for few days.

But mostly you need a International license for rental, might need to apply before you arrive Taiwan!

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